Author: caretrisnanda

  • 10 Stomachache Relief You Should Know When Traveling

    10 Stomachache Relief You Should Know When Traveling

    Stomach ache can put a damper on any vacation, leaving you scrambling for relief instead of enjoying new sights and experiences. Nothing’s worse than getting sick during a vacation that you’ve planned meticulously, no? But worry not! This article offers the most effective stomach ache remedies you can easily use on the go, so you…

  • 8 Tips To Stay Hydrated When You’re At the Beach

    8 Tips To Stay Hydrated When You’re At the Beach

    Days in the sun, rolling waves, and cool ocean dips — nothing reinvigorates the soul like a day at the beach. But between the heat, the breeze, and all that fun in the sun, it’s easy to forget one important element: staying hydrated. Getting dehydrated during your beach trip can quickly turn your blissful holiday…

  • How to Avoid Getting Heat Stroke While in Bali

    How to Avoid Getting Heat Stroke While in Bali

    Bali’s stunning natural landscape makes it a dream destination for many travelers. However, its tropical climate can pose a significant health risk if you’re not careful. Heat stroke or heat exhaustion can be a real concern for both tourists and locals alike. As the temperature rises, it’s important to protect yourself from the heat and…

  • Mosquito Bites in Bali: Treatments and How to Avoid Them

    Mosquito Bites in Bali: Treatments and How to Avoid Them

    Bali has long been famous as a tropical paradise, with breathtaking natural wonders and endless sunny days. However, its warm and humid climate is also the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes, especially during the rainy season. These tiny insects not only leave itchy bites but they can also transmit diseases like dengue fever. Because of…

  • Vitamin B For Hangover: Do They Really Help?

    Vitamin B For Hangover: Do They Really Help?

    Have you ever woken up with a pounding headache, nausea, and a deep regret for last night’s festivities? We’ve all probably been there, seeking ways to banish that terrible feeling. While there’s no cure-all for hangovers, you might’ve heard about vitamin B and its ability to help with hangovers. You might also wonder if vitamin…

  • Vaccine for Bali: Everything You Need to Know

    Vaccine for Bali: Everything You Need to Know

    Bali’s endless charms never fail to attract travelers from all over the world. But before you pack your bags and hop on a plane, it’s crucial to prioritize your health and safety during travel, including being aware of the vaccination requirements for Bali. By making sure that you get the recommended vaccinations, you can protect…

  • Here’s Everything You Need to Know About White Blood Cells

    Here’s Everything You Need to Know About White Blood Cells

    Ever wonder how your body fights pesky germs and infections? It’s all thanks to the white blood cells, the hero of the human body’s immune system.  These microscopic blood cells play a vital role in defending our body against infections and diseases, from the common cold to more serious illnesses. They might be small, but…

  • Bali Belly: Common Problem When Traveling to Bali

    Bali Belly: Common Problem When Traveling to Bali

    You probably have come across the term ‘Bali Belly’ before or during your trip to this island paradise. This common ailment refers to traveler’s diarrhea, a common gut issue that can dampen your vacation. However, like many other illnesses, there are steps you can take to prevent and treat it, to ensure that you enjoy…

  • Immune Booster: All You Need to Know to Support Your Immune System

    Immune Booster: All You Need to Know to Support Your Immune System

    Ever feel like you’re constantly battling colds, the flu, or just feeling run down? Germs, environmental pollutants or changes, and unhealthy lifestyles can make us more prone to catching illnesses.  Because of that, fortifying our immune system is more important than ever. While there’s not exactly a single, surefire way to fight illnesses, there are…

  • Doctor On-Call

    Doctor On-Call

    General Practitioner Services Your Bali Health Buddy General Practitioner Services Your Go-To Health Guide in Bali When you’re exploring Bali and need some health advice, who do you turn to? That’s where our general practitioner services come in! Learn all about how we offer expert care and support for your health concerns while you’re enjoying…


    1.000 K
    885 K
    705 K
    2.575 K
    745 K
    825 K
    1.325 K
    725 K
    755 K
    575 K
    875 K

Lab Tests

    755 K
    6.000 K
  • STD
    4.000 K
    2.400 K
    1.400 K
    725 K
    2.850 K
    575 K