Trishnanda Care Centre

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8 Tips To Stay Hydrated When You’re At the Beach

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Days in the sun, rolling waves, and cool ocean dips — nothing reinvigorates the soul like a day at the beach. But between the heat, the breeze, and all that fun in the sun, it’s easy to forget one important element: staying hydrated.

Getting dehydrated during your beach trip can quickly turn your blissful holiday into a nightmare. Don’t let that happen!

To keep yourself energized and refreshed during your beach trip, follow these 10 tips to stay hydrated and cool while you soak up the sun.

Why is it Important to Stay Hydrated at the Beach?

Staying hydrated at the beach is important because of several reasons, including:

  1. Heat and Sun Exposure

The beach is all about sunshine and tropical breeze. But sometimes the heat can be a little intense, or sometimes we spend too much time under the sun. 

Naturally, our body would sweat to regulate temperature so we don’t overheat. However, sweating leads to fluid loss, which is one of the main causes of dehydration.

  1. Physical Activities

The beach isn’t just perfect for basking under the sunlight. It’s also a great place for exciting physical activities, from playing beach volleyball, swimming, surfing, or even strolling.

Just like the heat, these physical activities will make your body sweat and increase your body’s need for fluids.

  1. Salty Air

The ocean breeze always feels refreshing on our skin, but the salt in the air can actually dry you out further. As you breathe, the salt absorbs moisture from your lungs and nasal passages.

  1. Alcoholic Consumption

Many people enjoy drinking alcoholic beverages at the beach, which can further contribute to dehydration. This is because alcohol is diuretic, which means it increases urine production and leads to more fluid loss.

Because it’s easier for our body to lose fluids while at the beach, drinking plenty of water or consuming hydrating foods like fruit is important during our beach trip to prevent dehydration.

Signs of Dehydration

Dehydration can easily sneak up on you when you’re in hot, arid places like the beach, so you need to be aware of the signs. Here’s a breakdown of mild to moderate dehydration symptoms:

  1. Thirst

The most obvious sign that your body needs more fluids is thirst. So whenever you feel thirsty, remember to drink some water!

  1. Dry Lips, Mouth, and Throat

Feeling like your mouth is dry and parched? Dryness in your mouth, lips, and tongue can indicate dehydration

  1. Decreased Urination

Pay attention to how often you go to the bathroom. If your urine output decreases significantly, and the color of your urine is dark yellow, it is a sign that you need to hydrate.

  1. Dry Skin

A skin that lacks moisture and elasticity generally indicates that the body is dehydrated.

  1. Fatigue and Dizziness

Another sign of dehydration is feeling sluggish or lightheaded. Dehydration can zap your energy and make you feel dizzy, especially when standing up.

  1. Headache

Do you sometimes get headaches when you’re on the beach? That headache might not just be from the sun. Dehydration can also be a culprit.

Tips to Stay Hydrated When at The Beach

    1. Drink Plenty of Water

    One easy way to stay hydrated while you’re at the beach is to drink water regularly, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Aim for at least 8 ounces of water every hour.

    1. Carry a Reusable Water Bottle

    Remember to bring a large, reusable water bottle with you every time you’re hitting the beach. This can help you track your water intake and ensure that you always have water on hand.

    1. Eat Hydrating Food

    Food with high water content, like watermelon, cucumbers, oranges, and grapes, can help you stay hydrated while at the beach. So be sure to pack some of them!

    1. Avoid Excessive Alcohol or Caffeine

    Both alcohol and caffeine are diuretics, which can lead to increased fluid loss. If you do consume them, remember to be mindful and make sure to drink extra water to compensate for the loss of fluids.

    1. Consume Electrolyte Drinks

    Sports drinks or electrolyte-enhanced water can help replenish the electrolytes you’ve lost through sweating, so packing some of these drinks before a day at the beach is always a good idea. However, remember to avoid those with high sugar content.

    1. Stay in the Shade

    When possible, stay under an umbrella or in the shade to minimize heat exposure, as it can increase the risk of dehydration.

    1. Wear Appropriate Clothing

    Light-colored, loose-fitting clothing can help keep you cool and reduce sweating. These types of outfits also allow sweat to evaporate.

    1. Be Mindful of Physical Activity

    If you’re planning to do high-exertion activities, it’s highly advisable to do them during the cooler parts of the day. Listen to your body and take breaks to rehydrate when needed.

When to Seek Treatment for Dehydration Treatments?

It is important to treat dehydration early. However, there are cases or situations where seeking medical attention becomes crucial.

If you experience symptoms like very dark urine or no urination for over 8 hours, confusion and disorientation, rapid heartbeat, extreme fatigue or lethargy, dizziness, and even fainting, consult a doctor immediately.

You can also contact Trishnanda Care Centre for 24/7 medical advice or health treatments tailored to your needs, from various tests to crucial medical provisions!

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